Friday, September 16, 2011

Intro to Yoga Therapy 101

Stress load: The amount of stress on the body – whether it be from physical, emotional, social, institutional (etc. you get the point) sources – that one may not be equipped for. These forces come from every direction at any time and they show up on our body, most often as a physical symptom of pain and/or tension. What to do? Well stress from an external stand point is inevitable. Does this mean that we are doomed to be in pain/strain/tension forever? NO! How we deal with stress from an internal perspective is manageable. Dare I say it is even possible to thrive... We can make the choice to develop strategies within our lives and bodies to cope with these stresses and keep the pain from showing up in the first place or, at the very least, keep it from increasing.

Stress is a part of my life. Life happens. As such I have developed a great many strategies to cope with this. One of my favourites is through my yoga practice - the place that I can get on the mat, breathe, relax, put aside all judgement, and just be. Yoga therapy principles have taught me that it is not necessary to be in pain. If we can equip our bodies and create stability at the major joints for the current load/life demands, we can thrive in a pain free range. How liberating! Once we start operating within a pain free range of motion within pure movement (a.k.a. allowing the joints to do what they are designed to do) the body will open up and dispel pain. Seriously. No joke.

So let us dive a little deeper. Using the principles of pure movement developed by Susi Hately, it becomes clear that moving within this pain free range of motion is the ticket to freedom. Do only that which you need to do and nothing more, learn the art of slowing down, listen to your body – really listen – and you will be amazed at how the physical, mental, and emotional body will respond.

No pain, no gain does not apply here. EVER.

Feeling lighter, more energetic, younger – now what would that be like?

Sound good? Lets talk...

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