Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Living your life! Go for it!

Just finished up with my last yoga therapy client this evening.

A skeptic, but open as nothing has worked for him this far. With this gentle practice, there is absolutely no harm in trying something different.
Conversations re: traditional western philosophy of "no pain no gain" and "go big or go home"..... but we are often still in pain! So my question to you: is this working for you? able to do all the things you need to do, want to do, or are expected to do in your life??  hmmm

If yes, then carry on with your life, I am thrilled for you! Keep on living your life!
If no, we can continue the conversation about relieving tension to facilitate healing and efficiency within your body mechanics. Decrease compensations which have potential to become painful experiences.
Keep on living your life!

See I love this because no matter what your answer, I am always going to encourage you to do the activities that you love, or that you need to do/expected to do. Live your life! Seriously, go for it! But what would it be like if you could take some time for you to facilitate efficient and pain free movement?!

So for my client this evening, we were able to quiet down the spasms in his back and legs, identify compensations, bring awareness to the breath, and during relaxation "I felt like I was floating"! Home practice: a find a place to relax at home, a couple of simple hip stability exercises, breath, and awareness to breath throughout everyday life.

It is always a pleasure privilege to help someone out of pain!

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