Monday, November 7, 2011

Yoga therapy challenge - day 23 ish?

I just realized that I have not blogged about my 4th week of my yoga therapy challenge.... Perhaps that is a good sign...? Its nice not to have pain to think about...!
BUT I will get my last 7 days up on the blog, starting now.

Vancouver Yoga Conference was great, though I did participate in a power yoga class, and honestly, it was more than what my body has capasity for. So, it is a good time for me to continue with my yoga therapy journey.

Today - legs up the wall, hip opening series, pressing into the wall, de- weighting with my legs pressing into the wall to start. I came back to my hip opening series and noticed I had some gains on both sides - interestingly enough my left side has a lot more range than my right. Curious.... standing to the wall - modified Natarj, de-weighting away from the wall in standing, and finished off with hip extension and abduction with a quiet pelvis facing the wall.

Interesting to present the body with a new stimulus and see how quickly it can respond and change. I have notice some un-evenness from left to right, and I feel as though my session today started to address this.

At the same time, I am amazed at my progress since last September. Susi and I were talking about where I was at and the leaps and bound I have made are wonderful! I am attending regular hatha classes - participating without pain! Getting into class has been great, but it has been a bit of an "ego butt kick" as there are poses that I know, at this point, are just not a good idea (ex. wheel and head stand). I can do them, but at what expense.... I will get there faster if I stay within my appropriate range rather than ploughing through. I used to do this.... Ego was happy, but my body was not...

I've made the choice, I don't have to live in pain!

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