Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 12, 13, & 14 -Therapeutic yoga weekend

Day 12 – Friday – This week has been great, busy, and more great. I’ve taken the leap to trust in myself and my skills enough to see clients and so far I am getting phenomenol feedback. Saw 2 more new clients today – had some great feeling knees and backs! My one client walked down the stairs from my home studio, looked back at me with a huge smile and said “did you just see me walk down those stairs?! That was so easy!!!”. It was so great. I am really happy for her. Amazing what an hour of relaxation and pure movement will do for the body.

My practice today? Restorative – bolster work, found the floor -  followed by some pizza and veg on the couch –asana. Fantastic friday night practice.

Day 13 – Dan’s birthday! Before our festivities start I pop in Susi Hately’s collaboration with the University Alberta – Yoga Thrive, therapeutic yoga for cancer survivors. This series is great for anyone in need of a little yoga TLC. I did session one – legs up the wall, ankle to knee, pullovers, seated side bend, tree pose, warrior one, pyramid, savasana – it was great. Some great ideas for my class tomorrow too! So excited that there are 7 full sessions in this DVD set!

One of my hubby’s bday presents was that he got to be my guinea pig for some breathing exercises that I wanted to test out from Donna Fahri’s The Breathing Book. Breath exploration and straw breathing. I bought a bunch of different width straws and we tried it out. Very interesting experiment, I’m excited to use these in the near future. Happy Birthday to my Daniel - he was pretty relaxed after this!

Day 14 – Yoga teaching double header today, new start time of 10:15am at Shanti Yoga! Gentle Hatha and my new SLoWga @ noon! Class was amazing, had a great group of yogis. A little breath exploration, some pure movement through the hips, a little warrior one and pyramid, a nice long savasana – smiles all around! I’m getting some wonderful feedback about my infusion of therapeutic yoga principles into my classes – it’s nice to know that it is making a difference. My practice? Not there yet, but I’m really jonesin’ for some pre-bed time movement – I’m sure there will be a bolster or 2 involved. I was noticing that I have not had back pain in quite a few days! As Susi would say “Oh isn’t that nice not to be in pain…..?!”, quite funny how you don’t notice that it is not there after a while. I am grateful. Big time.

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